Sulphur Well Church of Christ in Springville, TN

Join Us!

Service Times

Sunday School – 9:00 am

Sunday Worship 10:00 am in the gym and online

Sunday Evening Class - 5:00 pm

Wednesday meals during school year  –  5:30 pm 
Aug 16, 2023 - May 22, 2024

Wednesday Classes –  6:30 pm 

1760 Oak Grove Road South
Springville, TN 38256

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Or text “SWELL” to 73256


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Service Form

SWYM hiking

Sulphur Well Youth Ministry (SWYM) focuses on students in grades 6th through 12th, providing them with classes and activities as they navigate the treacherous spiritual journey from adolescence to adulthood.  SWYM provides students with weekly Bible classes that seek to find innovative and relative ways to communicate God’s timeless truths to current Youth Culture.

SWYM also has extra-curricular activities including, but not limited to

  • WKYC-2021.jpgGroup Devotionals
  • Youth Rallies
  • Local service opportunities
  • Mission tips
  • Church Camp
  • Local Cross-Denominational Youth Events
  • Prayer Walks
  • and much, much, more.  

No matter what, we try our best to make SWYM activities affordable and enjoyable.

SWYM seeks to serve God through Sulphur Well Church. These students are a very important part in the tapestry of ages here that look to join God and what he is up to here in our community. If you, or your youth, is interested in getting more involved with SWYM, see Bart Croasmun for more information.

west kentucky youth campWest Kentucky Youth Camp is a sumemr Christian camp and retreat facility nestled in the rolling hills of Marion, KY. We help strengthen your faith with Gospel-centered Bible teaching, an amazing network of new friends and staff that you will soon call family, and more fun than you could possibly imagine.

WKYC is for kids 8 Years to 12th Grade. Contact Bart Croasmun to sign up!

WKYC website


Celebration is a weekend youth rally held at KY Dam Village the first weekend of November. Students in the 7th-12th grades are welcome to experience this wonderful time together. 

Celebration website

wilderness trek

Wilderness Trek is a faith-based outdoor adventure we do every other year in Glorietta, NM geared for our high school students. 

 Contact Bart Croasmun for dates and to sign up. 

 Trek website 


WinterfestWinterfest is a youth event for students in the 6th to 12th Grades and is held in February of each year. Thousands of teens attend this event every year.

Winterfest website

church building crop

Footer LogoTN Faith Based Initiatives