Sulphur Well Church of Christ in Springville, TN

Times for Kids

Sunday School – 9:00 am (see classes)

Dismissed for Children's Worship during 10:00 am service

Kid's WoW – 6:00 pm on non-Meal Nights, 6:30 pm on Meal Nights

Various activities

1760 Oak Grove Road South
Springville, TN 38256

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Children's Ministry

Children are a vital ministry emphasis at Sulphur Well. Our youngest kiddos from birth to 3rd grade are a part of the SWELL KIDS classes and events. We not only want to serve our children, but we also look to help their families strengthen relationships with other families as we embody what is necessary to support each other as a community of faith. See Roy Hawkins for questions.

WOWKids WoW is held every Wednesday night from 6:00-7:00pm.  All children 5th grade and under spend 15 minutes singing and being entertained by puppets.  Then we pray together and the children in Kindergarten and under head off to class while the 1st through 5th Grades stay in the Kid’s WoW room. 

Each month the lesson is strategically laid out in four phases. We introduce the topic in week one, offer activities around it the next week, then we engage with a craft the following Wednesday before wrapping up the final week with games related to the month long subject.

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